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Where is the Garden of Eden?

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Discover the Sacred Myth from the Inevitable Coincidences

Although I am not religious, I do believe that the Bible, especially the original Book of Genesis, which has been carried on over thousands of years and convinced many generations of people must contain a lot of truth. So I am very curious to find out how much truth and how accurate the Bible accounts. Lately, I started my study of The Book of Genesis and related information from Wikipedia with my first quest: Where is the Garden of Eden and Where are the First Four Rivers in real world?

what described in Genesis 2:10–14: "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became four heads. The name of the first is Pishon; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Cush. And the name of the third river is Tigris; that is it which goeth toward the east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates".

To identify where Eden was located as stated in Bible, one of the key location reference is Havilah, where has gold, bdellium and onyx stone . According to wikipedia: "majority have agreed and said Havilah were of proto-Somalis who colonized Arabia, even linking them with the Macrobians who were ancestors of the Somalis. After a thorough study, I agree this is a very sound proposition. Besides normal reasoning supported by facts, I apply here after the abnormal reasoning echoed by "inevitable coincidences". What I found from my Dog-God research on words pattern coincidences, a best way to trace human roots is to trace the roots of languages and names, and the deeper roots can be found from the common sounds of the words, because sound is a deeper root of language.

1. Harvilah, the land of Harla: Harla, the ancestor of Harari people, native to Hararghe province of Somaliland of the Horn of Africa. They are known as "People of the City" residing in the walled city of Harar in the interior of Ogaden which is the historical name of Somali region. The name of capital city of Somaliland is Hargeisa where has rock art dated back 5000 years ago depicting both wild animals and decorated cows. While we see many different names of Harari people and their places, the common root of the first three letter "Har" remain the same. In fact, we know from the original Egyptian hieroglyphs of these three letters, "H" means Sunlight, "a" is a head of cow, and "r" is a head of human. These three key elements of human origin have been carried through out history and never been lost. In the same way, "the walled City" and the "Ogaden" both imply the "Garden".

Harari are beautiful people, as they are the direct decedents from the Garden of Eden. Nowdays, less then 10% of Hararis are left in their original "Garden". They moved throughout Ethiopia, Somaliland, Arabia and Yemen. They also have also spread throughout North America, mainly to Washington D. C, Atlanta, Toronto, Dallas, LA and Memphis. Furthermore, a minority of the Harari people live in Europe in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden and Great Britain. They reestablish new hometowns with names of Eden, Aden, Adams and Eves...

2. Ogaden = Origin+Garden: Harari +Aden: Ogaden is one of the historical names given to the modern Somali Region, the territory comprising the eastern portion of Ethiopia formerly part of the Haraghe province. It's interesting to notice the origin of Ogaden coming from Harari+Aden, which gives more explicit meanings of the Garden of Eden and the Land of Havilah. The original meaning of letter "H" echos to the "East" location of Eden mentioned in Bible, where the sun rises.

Ogaden has been an Endemic Bird Area by Birdlife International. It is also the historic habitat for the endangered African Wild Dog which echos the Satellite Image of the Horn of Africa tip shown above.

3. Common Natures of Ogaden and Eden: The name Eden derives from a Sumerian word "edin", meaning "Plain" or "Steppe" ,"well watered" and "fruitful" ... While the nature of Ogaden is a similar plain of semi-arid with bush, grassland and hills. One major town of Ogaden is Jijiga which is described in the memoirs of his homeland by Nega Mezlekia:"extremely wet and lush during rainy season...with vast lush greenery in sight, rolling hills and plains dotted with many farms in all directions, and the inevitable sacred tree in every compound...trees in this area of the Somali region reach great heights with the help of generous rainfall year round, the native Somalis in the area would use this area as a dry season grazing land for all the noble tribes of the land", almost an identical view of the Eden we learnt from Bible.

4. Land of Punt: The ancient Egyptians called Punt "God's Land", "Holy Land" or "Land of the God", meant that the ancient Egyptians viewed the Land of Punt as their ancestral homeland. More important, Punt was known for producing and exporting gold, aromatic resins, ebony, ivory and wild animals, which echos the two features of Havilah mentioned in Bible (Gold and Resins). According to wikipedia, the majority opinion places Punt in Northeastern Africa based on the fact that the products of Punt were abundantly found in the Horn of Africa.

5. Aden & Eden: Notice another coincidence of the name of Gulf of Aden, which is close to "Eden", is the deepwater gulf between Yemen and Somaliland. In addition, the capital city of Yemen is named as Aden after the Gulf of Aden.

6. Punt & Put: Besides Aden and Eden, another similar coincidence is that the name Punt is very close to Put, which is the name of the 2nd son of Ham, the 2nd son of Noah. This coincidence implies that the land of Punt is indeed the "land of God". I often see the pattern the direct decedents carries the gene and names and migrates to the same land of their far ancestors. Modern Jewish eschatology believes that history will complete itself and the ultimate destination will be when all mankind returns to the Garden of Eden.

7. The Eden and The Garden: According to Bible "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden on the east" . After locating the Harvilah and the Garden at Somaliland and the Land of Punt, which were located at the east of Eden, we can extend a larger picture to see where is the whole region of Eden. No surprise, I find the Nile Basin origin from the Great Rift Valley and the first human "head" created by God:

and "the river went out of Eden" mentioned in Bible, means the waters originating from the great Lake Victoria. "and from thence it was parted, and became four heads. The name of the first is Pishon; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone. Now, all the pieces of puzzle are connected and shows a clear picture of the Eden, The Garden and the four heads of rivers.

1. The first "head" of rivers, the Jubba Basin:

Same magically as I saw he shadow of Nile Basin a young human head, I found a mature man's head from the wet shadow of Jubba Basin.

From here, we can identify the first river -the Pishon river which "which compasseth the whole land of Havilah" -that is the Somali region. So, the first river should be the Jubba River and the joint river of Shebelle. From here, I simply enjoy random reading of any information about the family rivers of Jubba, Shebelle, and Dawa, as all information connects consistently making much more senses without confusion. For example, the information about Shebelle river : It was the only hydraulic empire in Africa which utilized the Shebelle River for its plantations and controlled irrigation. The Somali farming communities of the hinterland from Jubba and Shebella valleys brought their crops to the Somali coastal cities, where they were sold to local merchants who maintained a lucrative foreign commerce with ships sailing to and coming from Arabia, Persia, India, Venice, Egypt, Portugal, and as far away as Java and China. and Shebelle =She+Belle, means "the belle of mother".

2. The 2nd "head" of Lake Tana & Blue Nile River

What is recorded in Genesis: "And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Cush", where Cush means the Cushitic region of Ethiopia. Apparently, the 2nd river Gihon is the Blue Nile river originating at Lake Tana in Ethiopia. It travels through Ethiopia and Sudan. Along with the White Nile, it is one of the two major tributaries of the Nile, and supplies about 80% of the water in the Nile during the rainy season.

The above images show the look of the Head and Heart of Lake Tana, and the Blue Nile River running out of it. I translated the name of Tana and Nile with the Egyptian hieroglyphs origin as shown below, which explains clearly the key elements of life evolution along this river.

The main tributaries to Lake Tana Gilgel Abbay (known as Little Nile River), Megech, Gumara, and Rib Rivers. Coincidenly, the name Gilgel sounds similar to Gihon as defined in Bible, both have the common root of "G" for "God", meaning creation. and Rib rivers echos the Rib, or Arm of "I" by which God created Eve.

The 3rd and 4th Heads of River -The Tigris and Euphrates

These two rivers are clearly stated in the Genesis and there is no disputes about it. What is truly surprising to me is when I see the map of these two rivers and the basin of it from wikipedia:

The Map of the combined Tigris-Euhprates drainage basin, the yellow area, looks like a shadow of Cow, while the two rivers in blue, draws an image of a Sheep!

The beauty of collective unconscious is the consistency of logic beyond our consciousness. They follow common roots of rules are not created by our minds, but the nature of our motherland. Now I realized one statement in Bible: "1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him" , If we call universe the God, then what the line in Bible means "Human is the little universe".

I like to conclude this blog with Einstein's quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

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