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Noah's Descendants from Turkey to Kentucky

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

Discover Inevitabilities of Coincidences, 12/31/2021

Lately I developed a new hobby to locate the places mentioned in the Bible applying the rules I found out from my Dog-God pattern research, to discover the inevitabilities out of coincidences. One common rule of life evolution I found is that natural selection does not only select the best genes from their ancestors, but in the end, the best gene selected will return back to their original genes, resembling and representing either of their fatherhood line or their motherhood line. in Chinese, we say: "落叶归根”,meaning “the falling leaves goes back to their root".

Noah is the 10th and last of the pre-flood patriarchs and so he is the perfect "seed" of Adam and Eve, as stated in the Bible: "(6:9) These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." While we have no clue where the Garden of Eden locates on earth from the Bible, we can trace where the last perfect generation of Noah and the Ark locates, because he will return back to the perfect origin homeland of his ancestor: The paradise of Eden.

from the book of genesis, "(8:4) And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat." , we can assume Noah's Ark was built at the mountains of Ararat which is in the east of Turkey. (below is the picture of Mount Ararat of Turkey from wikipedia)

Then, I happen to find a site of : "Ark Encounter features a full-size Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible..." and it locates in Kentucky of America.

From here, I found some very interesting and meaningful coincidences:

  1. The name of the founder of this Ark project is Ken Ham. He carries the same family name "Ham" which is the 2nd son of Noah, and his first name Ken carries the same first three letters of Kentucky.

  2. Ken Ham was born and grew up in Queensland of Australia, one of the most mythical "Land of Queens" where the largest coral reef barrier on the earth locates. However, he choose to build the Ark on American, the final destination of global immigrations and the land of blood-gene mixture of human.

  3. Kentucky, the name is formed by Ken+Tucky, while the root tucky looks and sounds very much like Turkey!

  4. According to the bible, Noah is also portrayed as a "tiller of the soil ", the farmer, and as a drinker of wine. While Kentucky is known as the "Bluegrass State" and historically, it was known for excellent farming conditions. Kentucky ranks 5th nationally in goat farming, 8th in beef cattle production, and 14th in corn production. More coincidently, another most well known icon of Kentucky is American Whiskey. It’s the number one American whiskey producing state. Approximately 95% of all bourbon is produced in Kentucky. So, the two important genes of Noah, the farmer and the drinker, are very well carried on to his final decedents in "Kentucky".

  5. Ham is the 2nd of three Sons of Noah, while according to the genetic inheriting rule, the 1st son Shem takes most of the motherhood (Eve)'s gene, and the 3rd son takes most of the fatherhood (Adam)'s gene, the middle Ham takes most of his direct patriarch -Noah's gene. So the Ken Ham, as the directly decedent of Ham, takes Noah's gene and so his purpose of life is to represent his ancestor Noah's best icon -The Ark.

  6. Another interesting coincidence: Ken Ham's birthday is Oct 20, 1951, only one day from mine (Oct 21) and my cousin who is most close to me in my extended family has the same birthday of Oct 20! and her family immigrated to Malaysia which is close to Australia!

While I was writing this diary, my husband came to me and brought me a mail from his father who adopted him when he was an baby. I saw the handwriting on the envelope and said: “your handwriting looks very similar to your father’s.” He said: “ Indeed, you are not the only one says so. I wonder why?” . I replied without thinking: “ You and your father must have linkage within a true family, that’s why he adopted you and you two love each other very much.”

My husband carried his father’s family name “Sevic”, which sounds like “seven” which he considered as his most favorite lucky number. Actually, "Seven" is a heavenly lucky number. It's Sunday, and God's rest day after he created the life in six days. besides: (8:4 )And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

" Hearts has reason, although the reason doesn't understand". Life has purpose, although the purpose we don't know. Our collective unconscious lead us to follow the gene's drive and migrate to the land where our ancestors' footprints marked. Like the monarch butterfly, the first generation starts from the rainforest in Mexico, and the following three generations migrates continuously 5 months each generation from Mexico to North America reaching Canada and finally, 4th generation, the super butterfly, takes only 5 month fly back to the original land of Mexico....

Happy New Year!

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