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Beyond the Ghosts of Yellowstone

5/25-29, 2022

On May 25-29, my daughter and her friend Elaine and me went to Yellowstone National Park. It was our first time to visit Yellowstone so all of us got overwhelmed by this wonderland. Instead of presenting the beautiful scenery pictures that no difference from many tourist sites, I am going to present here the unique views revealing the special mythical nature of Yellowstone that no one would have ever seen.

Yellowstone park is very big, driving from the west gate to north gate takes almost 2 hours and often comes across traffic jam because of wild animal crossing the road. So it's best to stay in hotel inside the park. However, I didn't do so. Not only because it was very expensive, but also because of the many creepy ghost storied I read about hotel inside Yellowstone, such as the 1915's headless bride in the Old Faithful Inn and various new ghosty experiences posted by visitors online. So I prefer to stay outside the park at night.

Many people believe in God even knowing God has never a visible presence. But when people say they saw a ghost, very few will believe it can be true simply because the did see the ghost in person. In Chinese, we say "见鬼了 (saw a ghost)" when something unbelievable happened. It's such a frequently used phrase, that indicates seeing a ghost is not a rare phenomena but simply being ignored because they cannot be rationalized by normal sense. In my view, it should be easier to believe in the existence of ghosts than God, because at least the ghosts have more sensory presence to someone.

I keep open minded toward whether God or Ghost exists as I believe that the world has much more existence beyond our consciousness and limited knowledge. Observation and curiosity is the key to breakthrough our limitation and see beyond even imagination.

1. Meeting the Bear of Yellowstone

We didn't see a Bear on our tour, but I did see the head of a giant bear at the northeast corner of the map of Yellowstone National Park. Coincidently, there is more chance to see bears at the northeast side of the park.

This is not a pure coincidence, but one of the many phenomena I found on google earth. Following are three well known maps of territory that reveal the key feature as a landmark. For example, the West Bank is where God lives as stated in Holy Bible. The shape of map reveals a human head facing the west and looks like very much a sacred figure of God.

We thought we draw the map by our conscious mind, but not. We created the landmark by our collective unconscious to carry on our roots throughout history beyond individual life, similar to what Bible did.

2. Meeting the Guard or God of Water

Artist Point of Yellowstone Grand Canyon is one of the most popular view point. The beautiful colors of the cliffs look like watercolor painting. The big waterfall cutting through the grand canyon add more unique attraction to visitors.

When I zoom in to look at the fall, I immediately saw the rock at the right side a vivid head of an old man. It's like a protection Guard, or the God, of water, see the picture below.

Same coincidence occurred when we walked to the viewing point of the Lower Fall. I saw another giant rock standing also at the right side of river running into the Fall. It's such a vivid figure that I cannot help to say to myself: "真的见鬼了(I really saw a ghost)”!

3. The Grand Prismatic Spirits

The Grand Prismatic Spring viewing trail is agreed by three of us the best of all, although all others also great with unique wonders.

Each hot pot has blue and green colors with steam flying out while the vast flat of its edge shines in bright orange colors. Imagine that you are walking on the surface of a living super volcano that you can feel and smell its warm breathe on your face. That's how I feel along the walk. We didn't have the time to go for an overlook view of the hot springs. Below is a screenshot from a documentary movie I watched. The two hot springs look like two giant eyes of the Earth, and one eye is green another eye is blue.

4. The Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth hot Spring locates near the north gate of Yellowstone. We experienced four seasons in four days, and it was perfect to watch Mammoth’s hot springs when it was drizzling with fogs flying over the mountain and the hot steam flying above the ground.

Passing by the black and white rock cliffs like watching a black white TV screen showing fairy tales. If you ever experienced seeing a ghost, then you will have no doubt that you would saw real ghosts here. It’s absolutely mythical and breathtaking:

What did you see from the above picture? a horse or Indian face crawling toward west? I remembered in Guilin Lijiang River, there is a famous site that the boat will stop for visitors to see how many horses they can see. I never saw any one. I believe I can see all of them if I visit there again in future.

5. The Old Faithful Guy

No visit to Yellowstone is complete without experiencing at least one eruption of the Old Faithful Geyser. Old Faithful erupts more frequently than any of the other big geysers and it always faithfully and timely erupts every 90 minutes. The most touching moment to me is at the end of its erupt, when the audience all clap their hands like watching a life show. And another moment that excited me is when I see an old Faithful face spear and vanish soon from the rising steam:

Believe or not, this is not a coincidence either. It was one of my childhood hobby to watch the cloud moving in sky and forms various shapes of animals and human faces. whenever I watch video of volcano eruption, I saw various faces bursting out of the steam. In Chinese legend, when the emperor see a sign of dragon formed by cloud, they believed that's a good luck signal by divine. I called this "神气 (the divine gas)”, imagining it is the visible presence out of the invisible soul.

6. Where on Earth the Ghosts of Yellowstone?

Yellow Stone National Park look so peaceful with rolling hills of green grasses, trees and rivers, like the Garden of Eden. However, underneath, it is one of the word’s most dangerous living volcano, so big as to be named as "super volcano" which extended all over to the region of California. It erupted about 640 million years ago and the park was shaken by up to 5000 earthquakes every year and with more geysers and hot springs than in the rest of the world combined. No wonder there are many ghost stories rising here, but how come and where on Earth are these ghosts from? Whenever I have some puzzle, I go to search the google earth which always give me some stunning but not surprising picture:

From above satellite image, you can see the Guy of Yellowstone stands out of the left arm pit of the giant mermaid that make up the California-Mexico coast islands.

Take breathe and recall the quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the world".

Bible says "God created human in his own image", that means human is the visible presence of the invisible God and so it equals to say it is the human who created the universe. From our limited knowledge, we know the Earth is made of meteorites from solar system and the meteorites contains not only water on earth but also the amino acids which is the base of building block of life. So it indicates the truth life comes from universe far beyond the earth.

The above image is from a public domain news titled:" Scientists discover fragment of missing link astroid that leads to explosion of life on Earth".

We can imagine that human has existed in universe far before Earth was formed. They were reborn in Earth, and will move to other planet before Earth die in future. They are born and die generation by generation, dissemble and resemble into particles and lights in universe, in both visible and invisible forms of life, but never ever died out completely.

We can further imagine that it is the power of invisible energy that united and formed the broken particles, and shaped the endless cycles of life with repetitive pattern. Life was destroyed into lava flow, but when it cools down, the re-form the shape of life again. The geology of Earth and rocks formation contains all the secrets that waiting for us to uncover the unknown roots and rules of life that was organically linked throughout universe. The linkage of life will never broken. That's why we see from Google Earth all the life formations at its origin home of Earth.

In fact, many missed linkage of life can be easily found through the key words of human creation. For example, letter R, is the common root of key words: Rain, Radiation, Rock, River, Root, Rule, Raw, Run, Red... is originated from the pictographic sign of a human head. For more nonsenses like this, please check my book "Dog & God".

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