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My Books

New Insights into Mysteries of the World

Resulting from over 20 years of dedicated exploration, these unique books delve into the concepts of the Collective Unconscious and Archetypes. Through fascinating phenomena like word structures and pareidolia images, they illuminate the mysterious nature of coincidences. Those in search of universal truths will find inspiration and new ideas, bridging the gap between mythology and science, belief and reason, while gaining a deeper understanding of these intriguing mysteries.

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Introduction of my Books

This series of book was born from my lifelong curiosity about interesting coincidences, starting with the words "dog" and "god" and how they reverse to become each other. Over two decades of exploring these coincidences, I discovered that they are not entirely random and meaningless but are instead profound revelations of the Collective Unconscious, a concept that fascinated Carl Jung a hundred years ago and remains not fully understood by most people today. My first self-published Kindle book, "Dog and God," presented unique insights and rationales behind many of these coincidences, using the concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes.

As endless coincidences continue to emerge, I have delved into various intriguing areas such as words, colors, flags, and pareidolia images resulting in a series of books on various subjects. 

"Man has developed consciousness slowly and laboriously, in a process that took untold ages to reach the civilized state. And this evolution is far from complete, for large areas of the human mind are still shrouded in darkness." —Carl Jung

The aim of my books is to awaken the collective unconscious, a dark world to common sense, and to enlighten the blind spots of our normal perceptions. I believe that the collective unconscious contains many things, and making its contents conscious will lead to a significant expansion of our understanding and knowledge.

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