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Beyond the Earth

"The Greeks did not believe that the gods created the universe. It was the other way about: the universe created the Gods. Before there were Gods, Heaven and Earth had been formed. They were the first parents. The Titans were their children, and the Gods were their grandchildren." -Mythology, Edith Hamilton.


Back to Africa

The above image is a screen shot from google earth when you zoom in the North Africa and turn 90 degree to have Western Europe on its right. The two continents or two Titians' heads  connect at their nose tips... click to see more 


Cross Middle East  

The above image is a screen shot from google earth zooming in the bottom of Dead Sea, while I found a woman hijacked by two men holding each of her arms. She looks upward longing for hope of to see more 

Screen Shot 2022-04-03 at 11.39.36 AM.png

The Mexican Legends

Mexico is one of the most mythical land on earth with many legends about afterlife. Zooming in this area on google earth, you will find a lot amazing pictures revealing the archetypes of these legends. click to see more

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