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The English word ‘nonsense’ is composed of ‘sense’ and an antonym (non-). Its literal meaning should be "not sensed", but the actual meaning is “ridiculous” or "absurd". This represents the common notion that things that cannot be sensed do not make sense.


Normally we judge something making sense or not based on the views of the majority forgetting the fact that "things we cannot sense may not be nonsense." In reality, different perceptions give rise to different views of the world. And as knowledge accumulates, the multiplicity of world views diverges even further.  Perhaps it is no coincidence that the Chinese word for “world” (shijie) sounds exactly the same as the word “perception” (shijie), that is 世界 = 视界,  meaning: "world = perception". 

I encountered a lot coincidences beginning with the three letter DOG &GOD. As more coincidences popping out I started to think about whether there are inevitable pattern and rules underneath. The following lists are some of the common rules or NonSense I found which can explain why and when coincidences happens most often. With these, you can see why some coincidences occur under certain situation and why I see these patterns beyond normal sense. 

Examples of Coincidences
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Rules of NonSense

1. Bell Curve & Well Curve 

One phenomena of coincidence is that the common pattern occur more often among extreme samples or the ends of normal distribution. For example,   the life pattern or rules of Yi Jing are more obvious among ancient or modern trending people, fit especially to those few individuals who created most impact on history....  Click to see more:  

2. Resonance & Minderfulness  

Once I went to a friend's mindfulness seminar where the teacher led a game demonstrating the state of mindfulness. She asked us to close our eyes as she struck the bell in her hand. I heard a short tinkling the first time. As she knocked it again the ringing became longer. When she struck it a third time, I heard a very long ring.Click to see more:

3. Yin & Yang  

Yin and Yang is China's most ancient philosophical concept and the most consummate abstraction of the laws of nature. It is like a binary code "0,1" that unconsciously controls all our lives and the natural environment.Click to see more:

4.  Archetype and Instinct
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Jung's archetype concept was inspired by the ancient bishop Irenaeus: “The creator of the world did not fashion these things directly from himself but copied them from archetypes outside himself.” Jung discovered that many of his psychiatric patients hallucinated biblical stories even though those patients had never read the Bible. He concluded that man’s unconsciousness contains remote archaic pattens and instincts inherited from the ancestors.  Click to see more:

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