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Beyond Imagination

 "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." Einstein


The ultimate purpose of science and religion is to find the answer to our first philosophy quest: where are we from and where are we going to?   With this, I see Google Earth not only a tool for map but a deeper drive of human curiosity and exploration. Explore the footprints of Titans on google earth and experience what Jung's idea of Archetype really means...  Click Here

I often found giant rocks looking like human statues and most often I found in the west of United State, especially in Arizona, the historical cities like Grand Canyon, Sedona, Prescott, and towns along Colorado River.   


There is a coincidence of words in Rock and River. their common head letter "R" was a human head in its Egyptian hieroglyphic origin. Another coincidence similar is the  Chinese words for Head of Origin and Ape, they have the same root of sound "yuan tou".  With this curiosity, I keep collecting Rock Heads from my hikes and they are truly fascinating.... Explore the myth of Rock Heads,  Click Here .

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