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I am Helen Sevic, the author of the "DOG & GOD" series and a dedicated proponent of Carl Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. My lifelong passion has been to explore the world through the lens of the unconscious mind, bringing clarity to many global myths by raising awareness of this profound aspect of human experience.

My Bio


I was born on Penglai peninsula of Shangdong Province and grew up in the capital city Jinan. My parents are the first generation moving out of the small villiage of my hometown where my ancestors lived over three centuries. My mom was a nurse and my father was an architect in air force.


My father was the first university graduate from the family and so he was very keen on my education hoping I would enter the esteemed university of his dreams. Fulfilling his wish, I secured a spot at Tsinghua University in 1981, embarking on an 11-year academic journey culminating in a BS/MS/PhD in Automotive Engineering. However, my heart soon revealed a divergent path; engineering wasn't my true calling. In a bold stride, I joined IBM China's sales team, catalyzing a new chapter that spanned 11 years. 


In 2003, my compass shifted again. I embraced roles at two advanced engineering software companies, initially 4 years at the US company ABAQUS, now a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, followed by another 4 years at the French company ESI Group as their Chief Representative and General Manager in China. 

The culmination of my diverse experiences brought me to the United States in 2013. Much like my father, who was the pioneering settler in a city distinct from our hometown village, I became the first US citizen in our family's history. Embracing the liberty of this remarkable nation, I found the freedom to self-publish my books as a hobbyist author without concern of my "Chinglish (Chinese-English)".  Fueled by unwavering curiosity and a compelling urge to explore captivating coincidences, I embarked on an expedition into the enigmatic realm of the collective unconscious.

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In 2020, I releasing my first book "Dog & God" on Amazon and then the second one "Beyond Imagination" on the Apple Book Store. From there, I started series delving into diverse themes, such as the exploration of the myth of words and the pareidolia views in our world. Some of these books are listed here: "my books" where each cover can be clicked to view the PDF flip books.

Within the confines of this personal website, I invite you into my digital journal—a repository for my distinct ideas, imaginative musings, and unique perceptions of the natural world and life itself. The path ahead remains uncertain, but I navigate by the rhythm of my heartbeats, allowing intuition to guide my course.

"Heart has reason although the reason does not understand".


I believe life has purpose, although the purpose we don't know. 

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